Launched projects, 2018–2020
Featured in TechCrunch, Forbes, Vox, The Verge, The Independent, and others
Food Allergy Safe Ordering
Multi-platform and multi-phase experience design, research and strategy spanning across the Uber Eats app, the Restaurant Dashboard and Restaurant Manager
Dish Search & Refinement
Eats' new Dish search results & refinement exprience with the Machine Learning team to yield relevant dish-centric results and narrow down search more intuitively
Tipping Experience
On-trip Delivery Partner representation and pre and post-delivery tipping flow design (Part of leading the larger Delivery Partner Framework)
Uber Interstital
Uber's Rider-to-Eater Growth initiative on core Uber Rides app, additionally leveraged by multiple teams across Uber for Growth, Marketing and Promotions
Tipping for Web
Introduced tipping to Uber Eats Web Desktop and Mobile
Utensil Opt-In
Multi-platform design for sustainability across the Eater, Restaurant and Delivery Partner app to help reduce food order related waste
Other Notable Design Projects
• Covid Safety Initiatives for Eats
• Lead Designer, Delivery Partner Framework
• Delivery Partner Brand (Visual & Content) Framework
• Delivery Partner On-Trip Profile v1
• Delivery Partner: Order & Pay Onboarding
• Uber Marketplace Internal Tool
• Uber Design For Good Hackathon (taken note of by CEO, Uber and made part of 2020 roadmap)
• Illustrations for Uber Eats Team Brand
• Product Loyalty: Industry analysis
• Independent marketing campaign pitch to VP Marketing, Uber Eats: New age multi-channel growth campaign: Launch April 2021 across multiple platforms, huge win for Eats (Fun fact- Generated ~45M views on a single tiktok video)
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